5 Key Strategies that can Accelerate Weight Loss

Weight Loss Diet of the Common Sense

The Diet of the Common Sense

is a lifestyle choice rather than a restrictive diet, also helping with weight and health management. You cannot go wrong with the Diet of the Common Sense if you are interested to maintain your normal weight, because the recommended foods are low in calories and nutritionally balanced. However, if you want to lose additional pounds/kilos, you may consider focusing on certain foods that intensify metabolism and speed up the fat burning process, such as condiments, eating more greens or drinking more tea or water.

Many different factors play a role in the weight loss process. We selected below 5 key strategies that can help accelerate weight loss, on top of a balanced nutrition that we recommend as part of a healthy lifestyle (such as The Diet of the Common Sense). Including even one or two of them in your daily routine can maximize the results of losing weight, however the best results may involve mixing several strategies.

1. A hypocaloric diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low in calories and rich in fiber is ideal for weight loss, helping you feel full. Besides, it is a rich source of quality vegetable proteins and contains water, which also act like an appetite suppressant. Numerous studies show that foods with low energy density make people eat fewer calories overall.
Also, increasing fiber content has been associated with a decrease in calorie intake, feeling fuller for longer and consequently with weight loss. Fibers are found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts.

Prioritize green vegetables rich in fiber such as:
– Leafy greens (kale, spinach, collards)
– Cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts.
– Beans and legumes including lentils, black beans, kidney beans, which are also high in protein and fiber, contributing to feelings of fullness and a lower calorie intake.
– Fruits – although they are very healthy, in weight loss diets some moderation is recommended, due to their sugar content. Also, their fiber content prevents sugar from being released too quickly into the bloodstream.
– Vegetable soups and creams – some studies suggest that soups provide less calories versus eating solid foods, making them effective as part of a weight loss diet.

2. Spices and condiments
Condiments are useful on a weight loss diet, as they speed up metabolism, reduce appetite and increase fat burning.

Try adding chili, garlic, hot peppers, ginger, lemon juice, coriander, curcumin, homemade pesto sauce or mustard to your salads or side dishes. You can use olive oil to mix the spices and make a spicy sauce according to you personal preferences.

However, condiments provide limited benefits in the weight loss process for people who are used to eating spicy foods, according to one study. Still, you cannot go wrong with adding condiments in moderation to your diet, as they have powerful antioxidants and give a nice flavor to meals.

3. Drink water and green tea between meals

Diet of Common Sense

Increasing evidence suggests that green tea and green tea supplements are effective when you are on a weight loss plan. Drink green tea in the morning for a boost of antioxidants (catechins) or in between meals, to maximize the nutrients’ absorbtion. Green tea contains caffeine, making it a good substitute for coffee, although it holds much less caffeine (24–40 mg) than a cup of coffee (100–200 mg).

If you look at the label of every weight loss supplement, you will most probably see green tea listed as an ingredient. This is because several studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea – or of supplements containing green tea – may influence energy metabolism, body weight and body fat content. Green tea extract has been linked to a a metabolism boost and fat burning, especially during exercise, one study suggests.

Another study showed that drinking water half an hour before meals increased weight loss by 44% over 3 months. This is due to the fact that water acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing cravings and calories.

4. Get more active

Moderate and regular exercise can prove effective in supporting your efforts of losing weight in a healthy and consistent manner.

55% of adults in the United States are classified as either overweight or obese. To address this significant public health problem, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends regular exercises to be a component of weight loss intervention programs.

5. Food supplements and dietary products

Some weight loss food supplements have proven their efficiency, especially in combination with proper diet and an exercise program.
Doctors Best Weight Loss is focused on weight loss and weight management. With over 8000 certified reviews plus many amazing tools to help you reach your goals, doctorsbestweightloss.com provides supplements, snacks and other products that help in the weight loss process, tailored to suit the specific needs of both women and men.

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Meals plans* – the high quality weight loss programs put together by a team of professionals are 80% more effective than buying products separately. They are a good starting point for someone looking to see weight loss results fast while seeking simplicity and saving money. They contain supplies that last for 2, 4 and even 12 weeks, and there are specific programs tailored for both men and women. You can get started on your goals today as the meal plans ship quickly and for free!

Get ready to receive a 4 weeks supply of meal replacement shakes, snacks and nutrition bars along with an Intensive Weight Loss Meal Plan & Shopping Guide that will aid you in the practice of proper portion control and “what to eat”.

Men’s Diet Program (4 Weeks)

Women’s Diet Program (4 Weeks)

Also check the best sellers from Doctors Best Weight Loss! Order and enjoy these delicious healthy snacks and meal replacements that can help you lose weight and stay in shape!

Protein Bars as snacks and meal replacements

Choose among a variety of flavors:

Caramel Crunch Protein Diet Bar (7/Box)

Diet High Protein Oatmeal with Maple Brown Sugar (7/Box)

Cinnamon Diet Protein Cereal (5/Box)

Peanut Butter Protein Diet Bar (7/Box)

Salted Toffee Pretzel Protein Diet Bars (7/Box)

Also check Doctors Best  Success Stories – real stories from real people in their quest for weight loss! Get inspired and embark on your own weight loss journey for a slimmer, healthier you!

What are your favorite weight loss tips and tricks? What will you start implementing in your weight loss plan? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


*Since meal plans are very low in calories (1000 daily), we recommend that you consult with your physician first.


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